A Balancing Act and Letting Go of the “Acting”


Life is such an extraordinary balancing act. Every moment we are literally and metaphorically in the act of falling and uplifting ourselves at the same time. And we work so hard and expend so much life energy in the physical act of holding our bodies upright against the powerful forces of gravity as we go about our complex daily lives.

As we grow into adulthood and take on cultural narratives about how we are supposed to behave, what thoughts we are allowed to think, and who we are allowed to be, we take on the added posturing and pretending we’ve been taught to perform by our culture - all of which requires an unbelievable amount of mental and emotional energy. It’s an energy sinkhole of profound magnitude.

When we tap into the well of love in our hearts, build perspectives that expand our understanding, and integrate awareness of the narratives we’ve taken on without our knowing, we reclaim parts of ourselves that we’ve given away, we develop healthy boundaries around where we allow our energy to flow, we become aligned with our inner moral compass, and we become liberated and heart-centered.

Heart-centered living leads us onto a path of courage and a resolve to stand up for ourselves and other marginalized beings in our midst. Courage is not something that we need to go “get”. It’s already inside us and once we are connected to our heart we are also connected to our moral compass which guides every action we must take even when those actions have potentially significant life-changing consequences for ourselves and our communities in the direction of equality, diversity, justice, and love.

Heart-centeredness is cultivated when we build the skills of embodied mindfulness in our lives. While it’s not the path of ease that our culture assuages us into believing is the ultimate goal - it’s surely a path of trouble and difficulty but also a path of freedom.

Join my upcoming programs and engage in the guided meditation practices featured in my shop and give yourself the gifts of your own dear heart.


Connection is Key to Our Collective Liberation


Self-Love is an Act of Justice