Manifest Your Power and Purpose!

Become a Healing Agent for Humanity and Live the Life You Long For...


Tap into this ancient wisdom and create a lifestyle of depth, beauty, and freedom… begin your journey today.

We are living in unprecedented times. The world as we know it is changing before our eyes.

There is opportunity here. We can forge the future we long for where women are sovereign and empowered, where the Earth is revered, where this being alive is sacred.

Women have been relentlessly taught by insidious socio-cultural norms to be nice, quiet, and obedient. We have all been taught to go along with the program that disembodies and disconnects us on so many levels. We have endured systemic oppression, domination, and objectification for too long.

It is time to reclaim our own inner resources, our joy and wonder, and to come into our power and purpose in the name of the more just and joyous worlds we all know in our hearts is possible.

The Earth, our future generations, {we} need us now more than ever before. We need you just as you are. No need to have done "the work", we can do it now as we rise rooted together as we embark on this profoundly healing journey together reclaiming our ancestry and re-entangling ourselves with the more-than-human world.

There is another way – a way that is based in love rather than fear, wisdom rather than overwhelm, clarity rather than anxiety, self-compassion and discernment rather than judgement.

Perhaps to appreciate the wonders of being a woman living in these times of profound change.

Maybe, just maybe, there is a blessing in all this rather than just a curse.

For thousands of years, women have conducted their lives by being in intimate relationship with the elements of the Earth and with their own inner Divine Feminine wisdom.

We can reclaim it. Especially now, when our sanity, our lives, are at stake.

And you – dear Rising Woman – can learn how to do this too.


Learn the Ways of the Rising Woman

The Manifesting Power and Purpose Card Practices reveal ancient guidance that will help you reconnect to your inner wisdom, your power, purpose, and pleasure.

By engaging in the prompts on these cards you’ll practice:

  • Healing your relationship with yourself.

  • Engaging in your daily life in a way that actually nourishes your body, mind, and soul.

  • Encouraging meaningful reparations to begin to heal ancestral trauma.

  • Creating opportunity for personal growth by offering practices that help us learn how to set healthy boundaries and let go of self-limiting beliefs.

  • Enhancing your Intuition by helping you reconnect and attune to your senses, your body’s wisdom in this timeless moment.

  • Encouraging you to grow into the powerhouse of a woman you were born to be, who knows what she wants, and honors her body and her needs.

  • Fostering a sacred relationship with food and the act of eating as a powerful way to nourish your body, mind, and spirit and reconnect you with the cycles of Life.

  • Connecting you deeply to your own personal needs and learning how to honor and communicate them.

  • Encouraging the reclamation of ancient women’s wisdom of the Divine Feminine for you to access it as a source of strength, stability, and groundedness.

  • Experiencing greater ease, enjoyment, and joy, and learning to practice beauty, and experience more awe.


The WRW Card Deck is filled with Deep Feminine and Ancestral Wisdom & Practical Guidance you can apply to your life today:

  • Ways for accessing your inner wisdom to help you attune to Source and the power of your intuition.

  • Present moment reminders to cultivate the Sacred in your daily life, to amplify the mundane, and nourish your soul.

  • To help you gain perspective, to see the big picture, and cultivate "don't-know" mind for greater humility and discernment.

  • To honor your human experience, and empower you to use your privilege in the service of the more just and joyous world we all know is possible.

  • To let go of self-limiting beliefs, to rise up and shine the light of insight as you grow into your most liberated and empowered self.

  • To attune to the pleasure of the present moment to support your healing.

  • Uncover your deepest needs, longings, and desires and live a values-based life.

  • To communicate your needs effectively, nourish your nervous system, and enhance your energy and mood.

A deck of 72 guiding prompts that will change the way you experience the world forever in the very best way!

The Ways of the Rising Woman Manifesting Power and Purpose Card Deck is an inspiring way to create a powerful, purposeful life, and become a woman who honors her body, and trusts her inner wisdom.

It’s time to begin your journey toward more awe, wonder, liberation, and connection in your life.


Thank you, Rochelle, for giving me this gift of mindfulness. Mindfulness practice is now my go-to strategy to calm myself down whenever I feel anxious about our world. I am so happy that I’ve taken Rochelle’s class and I want to continue this mindfulness journey!



These prompts and practices are an inspiring way to create a powerful, purposeful life, and become a woman who knows and honors her body, and trusts her inner wisdom.

The WRW Card Deck is a powerful and practical place to start in creating a purposeful life, in becoming a woman who knows and honors her body, and trusts her inner wisdom as she steps up to the table as the healing agent she was born to be.

Each card features beautiful botanicals of plant medicine such as mugwart, rosemary, bay, and oak. Artwork made with expansive love and sacred intentions for deep spiritual healing to guide you back to Source on your journey.

You’ll learn more about each of the pillars of the WRW: Embodiment, Sacred Ways, and Self-Healing. Along with awareness practices that reweave your tattered soul back into the fabric of the anima mundi. You will experience the specific gifts these practices provide, within your own daily life as it is revealed to you.



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Rochelle’s a certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher and embodied leadership facilitator who works with individuals and groups internationally.

In 1998, Rochelle began practicing yoga and meditation which helped her mitigate daily stressors and the complex demands of working in healthcare on the front lines of catastrophic human suffering in a large rehab hospital in Silicon Valley. In 2005, began the rigorous and heartful journey of becoming a UMASS Medical School Center for Mindfulness certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher which became a journey that bestowed the profound gifts of mindfulness, a practice that became her sanctuary for navigating the complexities of modern life.

Her work teaching mindfulness and MBSR to several hundred folks in and out of academia since 2006 has allowed her to witness the impact of internalized systemic oppression as a force of cultural trauma and mindfulness as a healing antidote to these dynamics. Rochelle’s the founding director for SJSU's Certificate in Applied Mindfulness and she leads mindfulness programs for corporate settings, in academia, for educators, and healthcare workers globally.


Not only were these Power and Purpose cards made to be beautiful, they were designed with functionality in mind.

These inspiring card guides are meant to make it as easy as possible for you to make the work of the Rising Woman a reality. The world needs this work in every way we can imagine and implement it. This way you can easily begin to experience the healing effects as soon as you begin to engage in the work.

You’ll be able to immediately implement the work of the Rising Woman as you integrate the simple yet profound practices featured in these cards. You can focus on one card per week to go deeper into any one of them or you can engage with one per day. The depth with which you work with them will enhance their integration and the speed at which you experience their transformative effects.

As you integrate these practices and ways of being into your life, you’ll be able to enjoy the healing powers of the present moment, and your newfound connection to the Divine Feminine as a source of strength and stability so you can engage in the values-based, effective-actions toward the joyful and meaningful life your were born to live.

These practice cards are encompassing gems of guidance that get to the essence of this work in manifesting our power and purpose. To make the most of them, consider ordering a journal too.

It’s time to begin manifesting your power and purpose in the service of the more just and joyous world we all know in our hearts is possible.

I’m deeply grateful you are here doing this work with me. I’m honored that you’ve chosen this journey of deep and enduring evolution. An evolution that is so needed in these challenging times.


Plant Medicine and Ways of the Rising Woman

Plants are our ancestors. We share about a quarter of our DNA with the plant kingdom and our being alive depends upon their nourishment. Traditional cultures all over the Earth have a deeply interwoven and reciprocal relationship with the more-than-human world. Many thousands of ancient myths feature plants as central to the storylines and we know that many plants can have powerful effects on our consciousness. Our work as Rising Women is, in part, to be in right-relationship with the plant world, to evoke humility, care, and reverence for the other-than-human world. This is a practice in decolonization because our culture puts humans at the top of the food chain and relentlessly devalues the Earth and gives utter dominion over the more-than-human world which exploits Earth’s resources and functions to have humans feeling utterly disconnected from the relationship of reciprocity and reverence that is our human birthright. The good news is that we can reclaim our humble place in the fabric of this breathtakingly beautiful world and a foundation of the Ways of the Rising Woman is to foster that relationship. 

The Plant Beings who arrived in the c0-creation of the Ways of the Rising Woman symbols are the oak, rosemary, bay, and mugwort. Their place in this work is significant so here are some details to inspire us to wonder about our relationship with these powerful plant beings:


/ Crann darach

Mugwort {or Cronewort}
/ Mongach meisce

Oaks have lived for over 35 million years and our human ancestor’s health and wellbeing have relied on them for their health and wellbeing. Their fruit {the acorn} has been a significant source of nourishment for humans. Groves of oaks have been considered sacred places filled with protection, mystery, and wonder. They have been celebrated, worshiped, and revered the world over. To the Rising Woman, the Oak represents community, celebration, protection, ancestry, and interconnectedness.

Mugwort is named after the lunar goddess, Artemis, and, like the moon, she invites us to travel with her from the material world into the otherworld. To the Rising Woman, the Bay represents food as medicine and evokes spiritual connection, living a life of sweetness and beauty, honoring our cycles, and kindling one's creativity, and imagination.


/ Marós

Rosemary is considered to be an being of the sun that empowers and encourages self-expression. Rosemary has properties that uplift the spirits and is known to be a protection from evil. All of which are essential ingredients to the Rising Woman as she steps into her power and voice, and unlocks her privilege.


/ Cran ba

We know the Bay mostly from the aromatic leaves that we steep in our ancestral soups but the bay nuts have also been celebrated for their awakening properties once roasted. Bays are elegant and medicinal. Find yourself near one after a downpour or come upon one during the flowering season of spring and you will be enveloped by glorious scents. Bays have been long-celebrated by indigenous peoples and the leaves were used to weave crowns as protector and annointer. 

The Bone signifies Story of Place, Honoring our Ancestry, Truth, Authenticity, and Discernment

The Story

'Once upon a time, there was a girl who fell in love with the land and she was deeply concerned by how the land was being treated. The land told the girl that she needed to act swiftly as the land needed her help. She was told the land would lead her if she were only to stay deeply connected to her Soul. She needed to learn to listen closely as the paths ahead of her were often dark and twisted and she could lose her way if she wasn’t discerning. There always seemed to be forces ready to lead her astray. Yet her focus was resolute, her senses were attuned, and her love of the land was deep and enduring. In her darkest hours, the path before her was made clearer, she felt the stability of the ground beneath her every step and her connection to herself was strengthened. The land was solid and trustworthy, it was radiant and resilient, it was authentic and interwoven, it was humble and fierce. The land reflected back to her all the qualities and characteristics she needed for the journey. She was led to places of great beauty, magic, wonder, and wisdom. The land bestowed profound gifts and showed her the Ways of the Rising Woman.'


Look deep into nature,
and then you will understand everything better.
