Allowing Awareness {Love} to Do Its Work

Teaching online isn’t the same as being in person but I’m repeatedly in awe of the power of awareness to ground us, to connect us to our own inner resources to give us access to what’s possible - to our own creativity and discernment, to channel our energy toward co-creating world we long for, and to bring us home to our beautiful bodies especially in these times when we can feel so disconnected, frazzled, anxious, and afraid.

The only time we have to access our human capacity for clarity and insight is this moment. Truly, this is it.

In this week’s WRW Masterclass we discussed how systemic oppression is internalized in many ways and manifests in many forms.

Systemic internalized oppression can manifest as adaptations to destructive cultural narratives and dynamics in the form of:
1. Disembodiment
2. Disconnectedness
3. Self-criticism
4. Individualism
5. Self-limiting beliefs
6. Emotional illiteracy
7. Appeasing, going along with the program even when we know it’s destructive or dysfunctional
8. Numbing Over & Checking Out
9. Excessive busyness
10. Reacting instead of Responding
11. Porous boundaries
12. Co-dependencies
13. Minimizing your ancestry
to name a few...

The work of awareness as spaciousness that can hold the whole of your human experience is a love affair with life, and as a powerful bonus, it dismantles structures of internalized oppression and reclaims your sanity and soul through:

✨ Embodiment
✨ Radical self-acceptance, honoring the Whole of your human experience
✨ Acknowledging self-limiting beliefs and shifting narratives
✨ Developing Emotional Literacy
✨ Developing fierce healthy boundaries
✨ Coming into your power and voice
✨ Turning toward your humanity
✨ Slowing down and simplifying
✨ Responding rather than Reacting
✨ Sensing into the reality of your profound interconnectivity with the more than human world
✨ Experiencing your ancestors as a source of strength and wisdom
✨ Resourcing yourself with skillful support is essential on this path as internalized oppression is insidious and seeps under the radar and it has profound effects on our daily life.

🏵 Join my eCourse for step-by-step practical and evidence-based approaches to living your most liberated, connected, radiant, and passionate life as an agent for meaningful personal and collective change.

Get support on this healing path of the Rising Woman, and learn to Allow Awareness {Love} to Do Its Work.

Free to contact me directly if you’d like to check out our virtual home! 💗


Self-Love is an Act of Justice


You are Whole and Complete, As You Are!